Friday, February 27, 2009

Leroy Neiman Island Hole at Sawgrass

Leroy Neiman Island Hole at SawgrassLeroy Neiman International Horse Show New YorkLeroy Neiman International CuisineLeroy Neiman High Stakes Blackjack Vegas
the Discworld than in those areas that had been the scene of the great battles of the Mage Wars, which had happened very shortly after Creation. In those days magic in its raw state had been widely available, and had been eagerly utilized by the First Men in their war against the Gods.
The their creation, understandably lost their temper. And great and pyrotechnic were the battles that followed - the sun wheeled across the sky, the seas boiled, weird storms ravaged the land, small white pigeons mysteriously appeared in people's clothing, and the very stability of the disc (carried as it was through space on the backs of four giant turtle-riding elephants) was threatened. This resulted in stern action by the Old High Ones, to whom precise origins of the Mage Wars have been lost in the fogs of Time, but disc philosophers agree that the First Men, shortly after even the Gods themselves are answerable. The Gods were banished to high places, men were re-created a good deal smaller, and much of the old wild magic was sucked out of the earth.

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